SDM230-MT-MID - Single Phase, MID, 100A, Direct Connected, Digital Multifunction Meter, Pulse & Modbus Outputs
Product code: SDM230-MT-MID
Unit price £69.00

(£82.80 inc VAT)


For Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication parameters can be configured from the set-up menu:

  • Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600.
  • Parity none (default) / odd / even Stop bits 1 or 2
  • RS485 network address 3-digit number, 1 to 247 Multi-Tariffs
Product Name: SDM230-MT-MID - Single Phase, MID, 100A, Direct Connected, Digital Multifunction Meter, Pulse & Modbus Outputs
Manufacturer: Eastron
Replaced Model: X100-2T-MID

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